Saturday, 16 May 2015


The advantages of integrating ICT in the classroom
Nowadays, many believe that technology improves considerably and preschool teachers should modify their learning in relation to educational technology. That is why educators have  include little or virtually ICT in their teaching.
The computer allows students to have access to more comprehensive sources of information. They learn basic skills related to information retrieval. In class, the teacher and the manual are not the only sources of information. Several choices are available to them. Moreover, the integration of tics in the classroom can allow the teacher to instruct students and to socialize more with respect to websites. Students enjoy learning from what interests them and that’s why they come to better understand what is explained by the teacher.
The children improve the motivation and the pleasure of learning from some things they know well. Access to sources of information helps the learner to realize their potential for learning and creating. Students know the technologies available to them and they are able to understand the explanations and how to use it. The information technology and communication skills help in this area as well as knowledge in each subject and discipline.
ICTs can help to develop skills to work in collaboration and data processing. Teachers can encourage teamwork during the ICT lesson and it allows students to better understand each other. Thus, they talk together and establish common ground.
Access to sources of information allows learners to develop meta cognitive skills. The learner needs to advance its technological tools. Using these skills, the teacher establishes technological activities that help them work better on the computer. If a teacher wants to communicate with students, it is essential to have a means of communication. For this, the computer is a good way to convey a message. Teacher must guide the children in their learning.
In addition, the integration of ICT in classes allows for a “quick and economic to the most diverse knowledge on a wide range of topics and subjects” (El Jarrad, 1996). It is essential to know that several sources of information available to us and they can be printed and made available to more learners.

The disadvantages of integrating ICT in the classroom
Teachers may have difficulty in relation to the integration thereof. They ask some préparation. Celle must be strong so that children do not use technology for purposes other than education and learning. The teacher must have control at all times on the navigation of students during school hours. It can make them understand that all websites are not reliable or acceptable. In short, students need to make better use.
In addition, researchers believe that when integrating ICT, children who have access to this information, are more likely to isolate themselves from the rest of the group since they can hardly play when children are team. When writing on the computer, it can not be two people at once. Therefore, the integration of technology has its limits.
In several schools, one computer is available in their class or they have a room that is specially designed to accommodate students and access to ICT. This room, by cons, must be booked by teachers to have access. This constraint does not help in the evolution of information technology and communication. The costs of purchasing new technologies, can be a constraint against the use of it.


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